Momentum Academy

Momentum Academy Parent Involvement and Commitment Agreement

By enrolling your child at Momentum Academy, you have chosen to participate in a unique educational experience that actively involves both you and your child. We ask that you demonstrate your commitment to Momentum Academy by…

  • Ensuring your child will attend school on a regular basis. He/she should attend school unless he/she is unable to function at school due to illness. We also ask that you schedule vacation in conjunction with school breaks and holidays.
  • Ensuring your child will be on time to school each day. Being on time is critical to minimizing interruptions to instruction and learning time for all children in a class. One child being 5 minutes late each day means a loss of two full school days in a school year for the entire class. Consider the loss over time when there are multiple tardies. Respect the need to have your child at school on time.
  • Provide your child with the necessary materials and time to complete assignments requiring library references, computer access and other research materials.
  • See that your child is dressed properly in adherence to the dress code policy.
  • Attend conferences and communicate with your child’s teachers to monitor progress and to address questions and concerns as they occur.
  • Read and return, on time, as requested, all informational materials sent home by the school and classroom teacher in order to ensure good communication.
  • Adhering to policies and procedures within this handbook and at the school including behavior in the parking lot and on school grounds.
  • Responding respectfully and appropriately to all staff, students, parents, and guests within the Momentum Academy community and at the school.

Complaint Procedure: If you have a disagreement with a teacher or the administration, you should make every attempt to settle the problem with that person, without involving others. Should it not be settled, the two should go to the next line of authority to arbitrate the difficulty (Teacher → Vice Principal → Principal → Superintendent → Board of Directors). It is the goal of Momentum Academy to respond to complaints and problems as soon as possible. Please sign and date the agreement below.

__________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE
__________________________ DATE (MONTH, DAY, YEAR)